terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2012

Brad Pitt cover for Interview magazine

"With his new movie "Killing Them Softly" set to hit theaters on November 30,Brad Pitt garnered himself a little added exposure by covering the November 2012 issue of Interview magazine.
The 48-year-old actor looked handsome as he suited up for the Steven Klein shot spread while talking about topics including his acting career and his passion to be behind the camera.
A few highlights from Mr. Pitt's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to Interview!
The Article
On choosing his films:
"Yeah. I mean, as you know, so much of making movies is about discovery on the day, what you're figuring out. If you know everything going in, then it's not worth doing—it's already done. So I'm interested in finding people who I think have a voice—and a very specific voice. It's hard to be surprised by a film. It's hard to be surprised by another actor or by a director when you've seen enough and been around. So when I am, or when I forget that I'm watching someone's movie, or when I don't know how someone made a certain turn that I didn't expect . . . You know, I'm in."

On using different dialects in his work:
"Well, you know, I like a bit of song, and dialect is a song. I'm most comfortable with the Southern dialects, really. It's easy, for example, for me to do Irish because we've got Irish heritage where I come from. We also have some German heritage. The Upper East Coast, though, is a little bit more connected to a British heritage."

On his producing career:
"Yeah. I'd rather be behind the camera. As a producer, obviously, you're part of a team that brings the story to the screen. It wouldn't be there if you didn't champion it or if you and a group of people weren't championing it. I like that.""

(SOURCE: http://celebrity-gossip.net/magazines/brad-pitt-covers-interview-november-2012-740405)